HOMING: More Than a Gallery Talk
4:00pm gallery tour, 4:30pm gallery talk
Museum of Authenticity
124 E 2nd Street
thordis@museumofauthenticity.org / 303.585.1783
$15 [cash or check]
Inspired by the once-roofless house in the Greek Village, Elika, that Thordis Niela Simonsen restored by hand over the course of a decade, the exhibit HOMING presents works by Thordis and other print-makers that evoke a feeling of home and/or the road home. Thordis purchased the ruin in 1984. In July 2023, she turned the house key over to a new caretaker, Michael Sarbanes. Unexpectedly, Thordis let go of the house about the time the exhibit HOMING opened, and so the exhibit became a bookend for a 38-year relationship.
After viewing the exhibit, join inveterate storyteller, Thordis Niela Simonsen, and special guest Michael Sarbanes, for what promises to be a moving presentation: what possessed Thordis to purchase a mandri, sheep corral, in a Greek village; how did the villagers respond to the American girl; what lessons did Thordis learn from an unpremeditated Herculean undertaking.
For more information about the exhibit HOMING.
Thordis is the author of DANCING GIRL: Themes and Improvisations in a Greek Village Setting. Books available for purchase at the event: $30 [includes tax], cash or check.