Anticipating the Museum of Authenticity

Anticipating the Museum of Authenticity

Minnesota Public Radio’s Writer’s Almanac reported, on 17 March 2016, that the National Gallery of Art opened in Washington, D.C. on that date in 1941, four years after financier and collector Andrew W. Mellon formally bequeathed his entire collection, which he had...
Getting There

Getting There

As you might know, I am renovating and adding onto a small “accessory building” on the property I purchased almost two-and-a-half years ago in downtown Salida. The first stage of the building project felt like riding in a rattletrap around potholes on an unpaved road...
Personal Landscape

Personal Landscape

In Salida yesterday, when I was waiting for the concrete truck to arrive for the Annex cellar-wall pour, I ducked into neighboring Book Haven bookstore to get out of a light rain. While scanning the titles on the shelves, I noticed Lawrence Durrell’s Justine, which I...
To Travel Far, Travel Slowly

To Travel Far, Travel Slowly

Seventeen months ago, I signed the deed to 124 East 2nd Street in Salida, Colorado (see 20 March 2013 post). Located in the town’s historic district, the property I purchased includes a main building dating to sometime between 1888 and 1890, and an accessory building...
A Blithesome Step Forward*

A Blithesome Step Forward*

Yielding to impulses and yearnings that always seemed inexplicable to me at the time, I photographed, I wrote, I painted, I engaged in stonework. I traveled without map or preconceived destination. Perhaps this explains why, after hearing it, I forgot about the...
For the Love of It

For the Love of It

To reach the front door of my house in Elika, Greece, I must pass through a narrow opening between the upper corner of the building and the end of a stone wall I raised to demarcate what has come to feel like a scared precinct on a hill. Late one afternoon some two...